Nutritional Therapy
What is nutrition therapy? Do you need someone to help you navigate the food information maze? Do you need to know how to successfully nourish your body? Medical Nutrition Therapy can help you!
Nutrition Therapy is delivered by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who provides patients with knowledge about their personal nutritional needs, interprets food information, and helps develop behavioral skills that enable individuals to achieve their nutritional goals.

When Experience Matters.
Sharon Carter, RDN,LDN, is our Director of Nutrition at Apogee Therapy Center and earned her bachelor’s degree in Dietetics and was awarded Outstanding Dietetics Student by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Sharon has served as the President of the Dietitians of West Michigan and uses her diverse background to guide patients in preventive health, using nutrition as a tool to achieve their peak performance.
What can you expect upon referral to nutrition therapy?
- Check-in with a receptionist in order to get your health insurance information
- You will meet with the R.D., typically for a one-hour session
- The dietitian will complete a full assessment covering dietary habits, food preferences, anthropometrics (body measurements) and family history
- Once your personal metabolic needs are established, the dietitian will work alongside you as a ‘life coach’ to guide you along the oftentimes confusing maze of food information (and misinformation!)
- This is not a passive experience — you will be a participant in setting goals, monitoring and co-evaluating your progress
- The number of sessions you will meet with the R.D. will be determined by your need
Nutritional Therapy Specialities

Click on the below items to learn more about Nutritional Therapy at Apogee
Not sure how to integrate the gluten free diet into your family meal plan? Is one of the other top eight allergens – nuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, egg, milk, soy or wheat – now something you need to avoid? Come see our registered dietitian nutritionist for help you find the best food choices for you condition. Not only will you receive help with all three levels of meal planning – menu planning, recipe choice, items to include – you will get helpful information on how to communicate effectively with daycare, schools and camps to assure your child is maintaining an allergy free meal plan.
We are here to help you launch into a new world of food, and to navigate the course along the way. Don’t get overwhelmed, reach out to us. We can help you see your way clearly through the confusing world of allergies.
Lifecycle Nutrition
During different stages of life, we have different nutritional needs. Children have special needs for growth, and adults have special needs to counteract the effects of aging. Whether you are concerned about proper growth and development or adequate food absorption, each stage of life presents with special nutrition concerns.
Our registered dietitian nutritionist can help you understand nutrition and achieve wellness within the complex processes of pregnancy, lactation, child development, and aging. Our registered dietitian nutritionist can help you achieve adequate food intake to reach your optimal nutritional status at any stage of life.
Optimal Performance
The food you eat is delivering more than energy and nutrients to your body, it is delivering information to your genes. Did you know the food you eat can change your genetic expression? That means, for example, If you have the genetic inclination towards Alzheimer’s and you want to maintain your brain health, food is one of the most powerful tools you can use to not have that genetic tendency expressed.
Would you like to perform optimally at your sport? Learn meal planning strategies that bring optimal performance and give you the competitive advantage you seek.
Preventative Health
When you have your health, you have the ability to achieve what you want to do in life. Is your meal plan setting you up for long term success? You want to live a long, healthy life so you can do what you are here to do and be here to love and support your family and friends.
Without even knowing it, you could be missing the mark in achieving the nutrition your body needs. Eating the wrong foods may be causing inflammation, which is the foundation for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Getting the right building blocks, trophic factors, through your food enables your body to maintain homeostasis and rebuild cells with optimal function. Our registered dietitian nutritionist will guide you in meal planning that meets your goals for health, ease of preparation and taste preference.
Weight Loss

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