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in the Game
with an Apogee Massage Therapist
Massage Therapy
Research continues to show the enormous benefits of massage therapy—which range from treating chronic diseases, neurological disorders, and injuries, to alleviating the tensions of modern lifestyles.

Regardless of the adjectives people assign to massage: pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic, they do so for various reasons such as a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management. This makes massage therapy a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.
Apogee Massage Therapy Locations:
The Benefits of Therapeutic Massage:
- Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, thus enabling the body’s natural defense system
- Alleviate muscle pain that relaxes and softens injured, tired, and overused muscles
- Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ,—the skin
- Improve range of motion and Increase joint flexibility
- Reduce spasms and cramping by ridding the body of muscle and joint dysfunction
- Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural pain killer.
- Relieve migraine pain that may be caused by
- Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
- Reduce post-surgery adhesions and swelling
- Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts
- Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks
- Decrease depression and anxiety symptoms and increase energy levels
- Ease medication dependence

Did you know stress substantially impacts the disease process. And perhaps nothing ages us faster internally and externally than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. This translates into: STRESS REDUCTION.
Massage Therapy Specialties
At Apogee Therapy Centers, we practice the following massage therapy methods and techniques to deliver a relaxing thorough and beneficial therapeutic massage.

Swedish Massage
Swedish massage involves the use of hands, forearms or elbows to manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles to improve mental and physical health. Active or passive movement of the joints may also be part of the massage.
The benefits of Swedish massage include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation , improved sleep, improved mood, decreased stress and muscle tension, and improved range of motion.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage is an essential component to rehab of various conditions to loosen restricted tissues, promote blood and interstitial fluid flow and to relax muscles in spasm and dysfunction. Normal Functional Mobility is not optimal and, at times, impossible if the muscles are not treated with Deep Tissue Massage.

Sports Massage
Sporting activities take a toll on our body and the repetitive stress from sports can create pain, inflammation, stiffness, fatigue and set us up for a future injury. Sport Massage is designed to combat the adverse effects of repetitive stress by assisting in draining the lymphatics, promote increased blood flow (bringing needed oxygen and nutrients to the depleted muscles), relaxing tight muscles and the fascial system, and stimulating neuroreceptors needed to assist in the post sport healing process.
Our Therapists will help prepare the athletes return to peak performance in the game!

Pregnancy Massage
Carrying a developing baby is hard on the mother’s body and the stress at times can be difficult to handle. Not only is the baby sharing nutrients supplied from mom but the additional weight of the baby and the mechanical strain placed on mom is taxing to mom’s body, as well. When mom is not feeling good, it is not good for mom nor her baby.
Our therapists feel your pain and they want to help. We provide the appropriate medical massage at every stage of your pregnancy. We are great at getting to know what hurts and can help alleviate the pain and discomfort. We also know how to improve blood, lymphatic and interstitial fluid flow to enhance your health and in turn assist your baby to be healthy, too. Two for one – it does not get better than that!

Hot Stones
Hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help relax tense muscles and injured soft tissues throughout your body. During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are used as a massage tool throughout the treatment. Hot massage stones are heated to between 130 and 145 degrees.
Our Massage Therapists may hold heated stones as they massage your body using Swedish massage techniques including: vibration, kneading, tapping, deep or shallow stroking.

Castor Oil Heat Packs
Castor oil packs have been used over the years to assist in treating a number of inflammatory conditions because it is believed that when placed on the skin, Ricinoleic acid – the main fatty acid found in castor, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Castor oil packs are considered an enhancing agent to circulation and assists in promoting healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. Thanks to its moisturizing properties, Castor Oil treatment may help relieve dry and irritated skin in those with psoriasis.

Bamboo Massage
Bamboo massage is a technique that incorporates bamboo stalks of varying lengths and diameters to provide deep-tissue work. The bamboo sticks are called Cho Sticks. The bamboo cane replaces our therapist’s hands, and the Cho Sticks are used to give a deep, firm massage. The cane is held by our therapist and rolled over the muscle with the same strokes they would use with their hands. The muscle is then kneaded, which assists in the release of tension and easing of knots.

Dry Brush Exfoliation Massage
The treatment involves a thorough brushing of the skin all over your body using a clean brush with firm, natural bristles. Your therapist will brush your skin with sweeping and sometimes circular motions, beginning at your feet and working in the direction of your heart.
Body brushing is a simple treatment that can have amazing health benefits.
- It promotes circulation and improves blood flow to all parts of your body
- Stimulates glands to keep churning out oils and hormones, which will help your skin become properly moisturized and detoxify your body
- Increases lymphatic flow to move fluids within your internal systems, absorbing various toxins and flushing them out of the body
- Awakens nerve endings which elicits a relaxation response through your central nervous system and decreases muscular tension
- Tightens skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite
- Improves skin tone and clarity

Aromatherapy Massage
The client experiences a soothing massage accompanied by one or more scented essential oils, to enhance the healing effects of the massage. Aromatherapy is a widespread practice that is believed to entice various feelings and emotions in order to heal fatigue, stress, anxiety and even mood.