Physical Therapy at Apogee
Here at Apogee, our highly-trained physical therapists treat a variety of conditions ranging from traumatic injuries to overuse injuries and much, much more. Physical therapy at Apogee can consist of many techniques, such as manual hands-on treatment, therapeutic exercises, postural and ergonomic training, and a variety of modalities from ultrasound to various applications of electrical stimulation.
Treatment Methods
Who Can Benefit
What to Expect/
Physician’s Referral

When Experience Matters
With over three decades of experience, Jeff Carter, PT, has grown Apogee Therapy Center into a multi-location practice. Along with him, his son David Carter, PT and a group of physical therapy assistances uphold Apogee’s original mission of ‘Personal Care’ and ‘Peak Performance.’
Physical Therapy Locations:

Do you have a Physician’s Referral for physical therapy or looking to improve a health concern?
Whatever your reason for physical therapy, when you are deciding where to fulfill it, don’t just put blind faith in the closest clinic to your home. Chances are that won’t be the best choice for your best outcome.
On your first visit, you can expect the following:
- Check-in with our receptionist to get your health insurance information.
- If you have a doctor’s prescription for physical therapy, you should bring it with you if you hadn’t already had your doctor to fax it.
- Evaluation, your therapist will observe which movements or structures are causing your pain and will assess your current functional level.
- Expect lots of questions – your therapist is here to help you think through the cause of your issue and will use this information to develop a comprehensive program to assist in your recovery.
- Recommendations – Your therapist will likely recommend a frequency of 2-3 sessions per week for several weeks
- Physical therapy sessions will consist of myriad therapeutic modalities focused on improving your strength, flexibility and endurance as well as injury prevention

Did you know that sometimes scar tissue develops from an old injury? And by having that scar tissue broken up you can relieve your pain and restore movement. This is something a skilled physical therapist will target and as a way to restore your body!
Physical Therapy Treatment Methods
At Apogee Therapy Centers, we utilize many techniques of the common techniques as a foundation of treatment such as manual hands-on treatment, therapeutic exercises, postural and ergonomic training, and a variety of modalities in addition to these methods when targeting specific treatment needs.

Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a treatment in which a therapist puts special cups on the skin for a few minutes to create suction. Cupping serves many purposes including: reducing pain and inflammation, improving blood circulation and interstitial fluid flow resulting in the promotion of tissue healing.
At Apogee Therapy Center, we always use the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art techniques to obtain excellent outcomes for our patients!

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
& Myofascial Release
Deep Tissue Massage is an essential component to rehab of various conditions to loosen restricted tissues, promote blood and interstitial fluid flow and to relax muscles in spasm and dysfunction. When normal functional mobility is not optimal, muscles may need to be treated with Deep Tissue Massage.
Myofascial Release (MFR) has been used by therapists for years to enhance relaxation of the muscular system and the fascial system surrounding and connecting, literally, the entire body. The difference between partial and total recovery from an injury may rest in the therapist’s ability to release dysfunctional tissues and restore the Normal Functional Status of the myofascial system.
At Apogee Therapy, our massage therapists are highly trained and skilled to know when and how Deep Tissue Massage and Mysofascial Release is needed, and our therapists obtain remarkable success with these within our tool box.

Dry Needling Therapy
Dry needling is a neurophysiological evidence-based treatment technique. Our physical therapists are well trained to utilize dry needling in conjunction with manual physical therapy interventions. Research supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, normalizes biochemical and electrical dysfunction of motor end plates, and facilitates an accelerated return to active rehabilitation.
Apogee Therapy Center routinely uses Dry Needling Therapy with outstanding outcomes for our patients!

Kinesiological & McConnell taping
Kinesiological Taping has gained a lot of attraction in the past 10 years and McConnell Taping has been around even longer. Enhancing proprioception and myofascial support can be encouraged with Kinesiological Taping. Improving joint / muscular mechanics and reducing abnormal stress that causes acute and chronic inflammation can be achieved via McConnell Taping. Knowing when and how to properly apply these two distinct techniques will separate success and failure when applying therapeutic taping.
Our therapists not only know when this type of taping is appropriate to treat the condition at hand, but they know how and when to apply each type of taping. We are experts in taping.

McKenzie Method
Robin McKenzie was a physical therapist that lived in New Zealand and he developed a comprehensive, but not an exhaustive, treatment approach to rehab and prevent orthopedic conditions (particularly spinal).
Jeff Carter, PT was trained 34 years ago by Robin McKenzie’s personal friend and the top McKenzie Instructor in the USA, Wayne Rath, PT. Wayne personally taught Jeff the McKenzie Method and even invited Jeff at one time to work at Wayne’s Private Practice in New Jersey.

Spinal & Joint Mobilization Enhancement
As goes the joint—goes Functional Ability, as goes the spine—goes the body. This is a major tenet of physical therapy. Joint Mobilization Enhancement is essential to restore the function of joints in dysfunction. With understanding how the spine works, effectively treating the spine requires advance mobilization techniques.
Jeffrey S. Carter, PT has been using Advanced Spinal and Joint Mobilization Enhancement Techniques for 34 years, and he has taught his son David S. Carter, PT DPT these techniques. When David obtained his Doctorate from the University of Michigan, his instructor told David “You are the best Manual Therapist that has come through this program in years!”
Who Can Benefit from Physical Therapy

Who can benefit from the care of a licensed physical therapist? Pretty much everyone!
At Apogee Therapy Centers, we’ve cared for people from all walks-of-life, at every stage of life.
Contact us today to see what we can do for you!
Click on the items below to learn more about some of the conditions treated with physical therapy at Apogee Therapy Centers
Balance & Fall Prevention
Balance problems and falling are real issues in the lives of many people and this can cause great fear and the loss of happiness in performing even basic activities.
Our therapists are skilled at evaluating and treating balance issues for our patients.
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is awful and it can ruin a life. Chronic pain is frequently treated by traditional medicine with one medication after another, often with limited success. The patient declines from a variety of causes, like impaired nutrition, weight gain or excessive weight loss, lack of exercise ability and resultant deconditioning, limited mobility, decreasing activity in the home and community and emotional stress.
Our therapists use a Functional Medicine / Integrative Health Based Care to address all of the above issues. Apogee Therapy Center’s Multidisciplinary Team is here to use a team approach to help restore the patient with chronic pain to a life to health and happiness!
Ergonomics is the study of how we can function efficiently and effectively during daily activities without sustaining injury.
Our therapists understand physics and ergonomics and can apply them to you and your condition. It is not enough to treat your condition, but it is vital to improve your home and work environment with postural correction, body mechanic improvement and environmental corrections at home, to prevent reinjury. That is what ergonomics is all about and our therapists are experts in ergonomics!
Functional Movement Training
If it is Functional, it requires Functional Movement. We do not normally move and live in one plane. Unlike many therapists, we do not treat our patients in a single plane and axis of exercise. We move in multiple planes all the time in nearly all activities. Multi-joint Functional Movement Training is what is needed.
Our Therapists see the world as a multi-planar environment, and we treat in multi-planes while we work with you. If you play basketball, you need to jump, move to the side and twist while you dunk. Even getting out of a chair is a complex movement pattern. So, why would we just strap an ankle weight on and have you perform knee straightening exercise? We use creative and multi-joint, multi-planar treatment programs to get the job done right!
As we age, it is essential that we take care of our bodies. When we get injured, it is necessary to receive treatment from a therapist who understands aging and obtains optimal results via proper treatment programs.
Our Therapists have extensive experience working with and serving the Geriatric population. We want your Golden Age to be truly Golden. Why should anyone not realize Peak Performance at every stage of Life? We are here to help you achieve all of your goals and more!
Headache Reduction
Headaches are a leading cause of chronic pain and lifestyle impairment. Millions of dollars are lost in work production and spent in treatment of headaches.
Our therapists are experts in treating all kinds of headaches, neck and upper back issues. Jeff Carter, PT has been treating headaches for 34 years and is known in West Michigan as an outstanding headache specialist. Patients travel long distances to be under his care. Our therapists’ manual skills are outstanding and this combined with a patient specific exercise program and postural and ergonomic training enables our patients to obtain great outcomes!
Life Enhancement
Life Enhancement is what life pleasures are all about. Life is boring and frustrating if you cannot participate in it to the fullest.
Our Total Functional Medicine / Integrative Health approach is all about enhancing your life and working with you to enjoy every physical moment of it. Our therapists know how to have fun and live a full life and we want to assist you to do the same!
Neuromotor Mobilization
The Neurological System is an extremely important body system which is intimately addressed in the Functional Medicine / Integrative Health Model of Care. The neurological system can only function properly when it is free to move and is not restricted by structures along the way.
Our Therapists use Neuromotor Mobilization techniques to treat restrictions in the nervous system. Adverse Neural Tissue Tension (ANTT) is a huge source of pain and dysfunction for the patient. We know how to determine if the neural system is restricted and we know how to treat it with ANTT Mobilization techniques.
Pediatric Therapy
Proper Pediatric Care is essential to ensure a lifetime of happiness and success. When your child is injured or has a debilitating condition, you as a parent demand excellence of care – and rightly so. After all, this is your child.
Our therapists not only know how to properly treat the pediatric population, they are parents themselves and they know how important it is to receive excellent care for children. We are committed to take our expertise and deliver a treatment program tailored to your child’s condition and needs. We do not “Cookie Cut”, but rather, we deliver Personal Care resulting in Peak Performance.
Plyometric & Agility Training
Plyometric and Agility based rehab and training is a huge component of Functional Medicine / Integrative Health Based treatment.
Our body is designed to move and to be on the move! In life activities we are often called to start-stop-and-react-quickly to perform a sport, a task, or to avoid injury. Our physical therapists are experts in this form of treatment and the results you obtain will increase your performance and abilities.
Soft Tissue & Scar Rehab
Nothing in rehab is more neglected than treated dysfunctions of soft tissue and scarring. Soft tissue mobility is vital to normal function and in abolishing pain. Scarring and impaired soft tissue mobility blocks the free flow of fluid that nourishes, lubricates, and enables normal function of the body.
Releasing restricted tissue and breaking up scars is Job One in the rehab process. Our therapists at Apogee Therapy Center are experts and spend the time to treat soft tissue restrictions. You will feel the difference when our therapists put their hands on you!
Spinal Care
Neck and Back pain conditions are the leading cause of work loss and impairment of general lifestyle regarding orthopedic issues. A very high proportion of our population has, or is suffering from, this condition.
Our therapists know how to treat and fix a multitude of spinal conditions. Our Functional Medicine approach to Spinal Care will put you on the road to recovery.
Sport-Specific Therapy/Medicine
Sport injuries vary in type and complexity. A “cookbook approach” in treating athletes just does not work. Sport Specific treatment and training is the only way to achieve maximum outcomes. Our therapists are athletes and personally train to be at the top of their game. They truly practice what they preach and will get you back into the game and ready to play at the top of your game!
Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) can be a very painful and debilitating condition. TMD can manifest in a myriad of ways from limited oral opening, excessive oral opening, deviations of the jaw, to clicking and pain – to name a few. TMD results in impairment or loss of many functional abilities from eating to talking.
Our therapists have years of experience successfully treating TMD conditions. Our therapists also understand that TMD rarely manifests dysfunction by itself. TMD is nearly 100% accompanied with other musculoskeletal conditions. If these other musculoskeletal conditions remain untreated, the TMD condition will not be successful in its rehabilitation. As Functional Medicine Therapists, we understand how to treat the entire person.
Torticollis is also known as Rye Neck. Torticollis often occurs at birth and it is frightening for any parent to see in their child. The good news is that Torticollis can be treated successfully.
Our therapists understand what treatments are needed to treat Torticollis. Our Functional Medicine Approach is to include the parents or caregivers of the patient in the treatment plan. We not only use our manual and therapeutic skills to treat the patient, but we also provide the caregiver the specific instructions on how to treat the patient at home. Our therapists will instruct the caregivers in techniques to achieve maximum outcomes for the child such as proper positioning of the patient and stretches for the tight structures.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
People with damaged or malfunctioning vestibular systems experience a combination of symptoms that may include hearing impairments, vision disturbances, vertigo, dizziness, and spatial disturbances.
Vestibular Rehab addresses the specific cause and treatment of a damaged or malfunctioning Vestibular System as the issue relates within the scope of our rehab practice. Apogee Therapy Center’s rehab protocol for this condition has outstanding results!
Video Analysis & Training
Real time and real dynamic images can greatly assist the patient to see what they are doing wrong. Video Analysis and Training will help take you to the next level.
You can see what you are doing right and wrong. Our therapists will then correct any errors and help you enhance your training techniques. Video Analysis is a great way to train!
Workers' Compensation Rehab Therapy & Occupational Medicine
Work related injuries causing pain and suffering and also directly impact the worker and employer’s productivity outcomes. Work related injuries do not stop at work. Injured workers take their pain and dysfunction with them to their home and community.
Our Therapists have years of experience treating the injured worker and we have an excellent track record of not only getting the worker safely and soundly back to work but also to the things they love or need to do outside of work!